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Resources from

Dr. Mary Webster Moore

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Think on These Things: 365 Days of Wisdom and Musings

A compilation of Dr. Webster Moore's wisdom, affirmations, and introspection as shared over nearly a decade of social media posts, Think on These Things gives readers a delightfully refreshing dose of encouragement for every day of the year. 

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Fresh Word, Fresh Bread

“In a world gone busy," the demands of our daily grind can squeeze out the space we carve out for the inner life of the spirit, but we must not allow it. Fresh Word, Fresh Bread! will help you take time to attend to the inner life of the spirit.

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Leading with Excellence

Leading with Excellence: Nurturing a Spirit of Excellence and Leadership Capacity in Self and Others is a practical and readily applicable resource for leaders with an interest in personal development and in developing the leadership potential in others.


Heart-Warming and Spirit-Filled Poems and Songs: 30th Anniversary Edition

Enjoy this special 30th anniversary edition of Heart-Warming and Spirit-Filled Poems and Songs written by the late Mary Lee Webster. Filled with timeless pieces about life, love and life in the church, this collection of poems will move and inspire you.

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Toward More Dynamic Teaching

For teachers who want to be more effective in the classroom: you'll be challenged to think more creatively about your approach to teaching, presentation, and the overall student experience.

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Melancholy Blue: Poems from My Earlier Years

Take a deeper look into the life of the Dr. Mary Webster Moore in this collection of personal poems, which she describes as "confessions of that which I have most deeply felt in real time, across time."

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Gathering the Fragments

Each daily devotional in this series of three 100-day journals includes a journal prompt to stimulate your thinking as you interact with the text through reading, reflection, and writing.

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Welcome to Life on the Edge: 21 Edge-isms by which to Live and Teach

This book encourages, inspires, and  challenges those who teach in any capacity, to do their absolute best to make the learning experience meaningful and enjoyable for their students.

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Living with Joseph: Life Lessons for the Journey to Destiny

A journey through Joseph's life and circumstances yields some very important life lessons for us all along the  way.

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Devotional Nuggets for Powerful Living

Short and powerful (each entry is 49 words or fewer), this journal offers devotional thoughts on which to ponder, and questions worth considering as you reflect on each entry.

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When I Looked Again

Sparked by the significance the Bible has had on the author's life (and should have in the life of every believer), this devotional book is meant to inspire and encourage others to delve more deeply into God's word to discover the untold treasures it holds for them as well.

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On the Way to Becoming a Bride

A book of devotional and emotional thoughts, poems, prayers, and practicalities for the single woman contemplating marriage. Each chapter includes space for journaling. Great for personal use, gift giving, and small group study for young adult and adult audiences.

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Journey from Hurting to Healing

Sponsored New Author: Sherry Wood

This book is about author Sherry Wood's journey and the strongholds she discovered she had after many years of abuse and cover up. It is a testimony of thanks and praise to God for this continual journey of deliverance.

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