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The Writer's Inkhorn (2018)

Copies of the Writer's Inkhorn are now available in a digital format for your convenience. Click any of the links below to read a full issue. Also, don't forget to subscribe to have the most recent publications sent directly to your inbox.

What Will You Do With What You've Been Given?

Nov/Dec 2018

When called to deliver the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses felt  unqualified for the task. This issue of The Writer's Inkhorn, follows Moses's conversation with God, and shines light on how we too question our gifts and assignments, forgetting that if God calls us, it is because he has already equipped us.

Persisting in My Work So That God May Complete His Work in Me
Sept/Oct 2018
Are you a perfectionist of sorts? Do you know of someone who is? This newest issue of The Writer's Inkhorn reminds us of the need for room to grow and to allow space for grace.

"Crossing the Tracks" to Get What I Need

Jul/Aug 2018

In a world plagued by divides: ethnic, cultural, educational, social, economic, religious or denominational, and geographic, this issue of The Writer's Inkhorn reminds us of the necessity to be willing to cross those divides to help those who need our help.

How Far Can They Go with What You've Given Them?

May/June 2018

There is a serious responsibility that comes with parenthood in any form.
This issue of The Writer's Inkhorn will inspire you to do more,
be more and provide more for your children so that you can launch them farther from where you are now standing

Alabaster Box

Mar/Apr 2018

This issue reminds us that just as Mary demonstrated her extravagant expression of love toward Jesus using the oil from her alabaster box, God wants us to give Him our all: the best of our service and the best of ourselves as He is well-deserving of our worship.

This issue reminds us how important it is to share our testimonies with others -- to encourage them and to remind them that God is no respecter of persons.

Share Your Old Stories and Testimonies in This New Year

Jan/Feb 2018

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